Meet Mrs. Gunther!

Meet Mrs. Gunther!

What's your new ICS title and position?

I am the new kindergarten teacher!

Where are you from? If you're not originally from UT, how did you end up here?

I am originally from Michigan and have lived there my whole life! I grew up hunting in the Rockies with my dad and always wanted to live out West after college. As we neared our college graduation, my husband and I began looking for jobs out West. I had some friends at Gospel Grace Church, and the Lord brought us to Salt Lake! I love the area and am so excited to continue exploring Utah! 

Where do you go to Church?

My husband and I are members at Gospel Grace Church

Tell us about your family!

I am the oldest of three girls. My sisters are my best friends and I love every second we spend together. I got married on January 1, 2022. My husband and I met my second week of college in South Carolina. We love exploring new places, hanging with friends, and watching our favorite shows with our kitty, Draper. 

What is something most people don't know about you? OR What are you most passionate about?

I am passionate about people and family. I think relationships are one of God’s greatest gifts to us. 

What are you looking forward to most in your new role at ICS?

I am looking forward to meeting all of my new little friends, building friendships with my coworkers, and growing as an educator! 

What else would you like the ICS community to know about you?

I love hunting, singing, making music, planting flowers, trying new coffee shops, and running to Taco Bell!