
JA City

I had the opportunity to chaperone Mrs. Hope’s 5th grade class’ visit to the Junior Achievement BizTown experience. Having participated two years earlier for my older daughter’s day at JA BizTown, I couldn’t wait to be involved again. 

It is an absolute joy to watch the students live a “grown up” life for a day with awe and enthusiasm. When they cross over that bridge off of the elevator into JA BizTown, being told they are officially, temporarily grown-ups for the day, their countenance changes. They are eager to take on the challenge and sincerely have fun learning.

It means so much to me as a father to see the students having a joyful view of work. JA City was an opportunity to plant seeds in a practical way about what the future holds for them. I loved watching them “leave the stress at the bridge” on the way out, as well as receive a few important perspectives, life skills and fond memories with classmates in the process. 

Practically speaking, seeds are being planted in terms of financial Literacy (i.e. balancing a checkbook), awareness of the economy and community interdependency, work readiness skills and basics of business management. I’m more than a little bit jealous that I didn’t get to have this experience as a 5th grader! 

I am deeply grateful to Mrs. Hope and the other elementary teachers for the effort and consistency that they put into the Junior Achievement program during these formative years. 

Written by Alex Adema, CEO, DPS Skis, ICS Dad