Mrs. Jones' Lion Story

How did you decide you wanted to work at ICS?

When we found out that we were moving to Utah from California, God gave me a connection to ICS through a former board member. I knew I wanted to send Brayden to ICS for school and was leaving a job at a Christian school in California. So, God had a plan long  before I even knew about ICS!

How long have you been working at ICS?

6 years!

What is your role at ICS?

Academic Administrative Assistant

What do you look forward to the most about coming to work everyday?

Seeing and connecting with the students and showing them God’s love.

What do you like to do when you're not hard at work?

Decorate, drink coffee, and read.

What is one thing your students and/or coworkers may not know about you?

I am an open book....I think :)