ICS March 2024 Employee Spotlight
Congratulations Mrs. Parker, ICS Librarian.
Pictured is Mrs. Parker at work. She helps each student, igniting a love for learning and reading.
How long have you been at ICS and what do you do?
This is my 2nd year at ICS. I'm the librarian and have the privilege of working with Ms. Potter, teaching 3rd grade two afternoons a week.
What brought you to ICS?
The Lord clearly directed my husband, Matt, to ICS when we first moved to Utah and it was a great experience for him. He loved the staff, students, and community here. I had worked in an elementary school before moving to Utah and had wanted to again, so when an opportunity opened up for my current position at the same time we were enrolling our son in 1st grade, I was excited to join this fantastic team.
What is one encouraging thing that has happened at school recently that you'd like to share?
Recently, I was so encouraged by the support of the staff, students, and their parents when we brought the Book Fair to ICS this past February. It has been awhile since the school's been able to host a book fair, so we weren't sure how it would go. The staff was so encouraging about it, the students were excited for the books, and many families bought books knowing the school benefited from the sales. I loved seeing the enthusiasm families had for reading and ICS.
What is your deep hope for your students and/or our school this year?
My deep hope for my students is that they would discover, discern, and enjoy excellent stories. I want them to love reading and learn what is good to fill their minds with based on Philippians 4:8 so they can grow in their love for God and others.