May 2023 Employee Spotlight - Mrs. Buckley

May 2023 Employee Spotlight

Congratulations, Mrs. Buckley, ICS director of curriculum and instruction!

How long have you been at ICS and what do you do?

I have had the pleasure of working at ICS for the past 20 years.  Currently, I am the Director of Curriculum and Instruction, but I have also served as a guidance counselor, board member, principal and dean of academics.  

What brought you to ICS?

Initially what brought me to ICS was the desire to have my children attend an excellent Christian school.  The summer my husband and I enrolled our kids, ICS was looking for a part-time guidance counselor.  I applied for the job, fell in love with the mission of ICS professionally, and my children and I started on the same day!

What is one encouraging thing that has happened at school recently that you'd like to share?

Our faculty has been working hard this year bringing the key concepts of Teaching for Transformation to our classrooms.  The FLEx projects have been amazing and I am so proud of the ways our teachers are encouraging students to do "real work meeting real needs for real people."  Just this week a group from TfT was here to evaluate our teachers on their progress...I am so proud of all that they have accomplished this year!  Our teachers have done an exemplary job!

What is your deep hope for your students and/or our school this year?

My deep hope for ICS is to be a school where learners are challenged, every day, to see their part in God's great story.  My deep hope for our faculty is that we may see our own part in that story first; to know deeply how much He cares for, equips and calls us to His purpose so that we may then share that truth with our students.