Meet Miss Matuszak!
What's your new ICS title and position?
I am the new prekindergarten teacher (three day program)!
Where are you from? If you're not originally from UT, how did you end up here?
Miss Matuszak (second from right) and family
I was born in Iceland and have lived in a few different states, one other country, and an American territory due to my father being in the military. I have lived in Colorado for the past four years but have decided to make the move to Utah to be closer to my family.
Where do you go to Church?
I don’t have a church yet, but am looking forward to getting plugged into one soon!
What is something most people don't know about you?
Because I come across as rather quiet upon first meeting, most people don’t know that I have a pretty loud personality. I also enjoy playing competitive board games, though winning isn’t that important to me.
What are you looking forward to most in your new role at ICS?
I am looking forward to working in a Christian community. Most of all, I am looking forward to getting to know each of the kids individually as I work alongside the parents to aide the students’ growth.
Tell us about your family!
Family is incredibly important to me, and I am very close with mine. My dad is a helicopter pilot and my mom is working on her masters degree. They are both super cool, and I am so proud of them. My sister, Kala, is studying zoology at Liberty University, and though we are complete opposites, we cherish every moment we spend together now that we see less of each other than we used to. My brother, Noi, will be a senior at ICS this year, and I am excited to be a part of his life more before he graduates and moves on to big things!
What else would you like the ICS community to know about you?
I absolutely love books and pretty much anything to do with them. In fact, stories in general are incredibly fascinating to me, and though I prefer to read, I do enjoy watching movies and shows as well. Bringing up any story with me may result in an analytical discussion with lots of opinions on my part. I also enjoy knitting and playing board games, as well as small hikes and walks in nature.
Welcome to ICS, Miss Matuszak! Your ICS community is looking forward to getting to know you more this fall. We’ll see you soon!