As we journey through life there are many opportunities for us to experience the need to trust. We trust that the chair will hold us when we sit down. We trust the car will start when we turn it on. We trust that the sun will rise each morning. We trust in many things, but ultimately our trust must be founded in God. When our trust is founded in the one who is “trustworthy” life’s challenges take on a different meaning. 

This past week our family experienced an emotional and unexpected journey. Our oldest son, who is an ICS Alum (c/o 2016), is a Cadet at West Point Military Academy in New York. He was home for our youngest son’s 2019 graduation from ICS and headed back to WP for field training. Thursday morning we received a text that said, “I am OK. There has been an accident.” As a parent that is not something, you want to read as an opening to a text. Our son’s squad was heading out to the field for a mapping exercise when the transport vehicle they were traveling in rolled, injuring 20 cadets and 2 soldiers. Tragically, one of the Cadets was killed, class of 2020 and member of the WP wrestling team. Our son and 3 others of his team, fortunately, were not on the truck. They were told to wait because there was “no room,” the truck was full. If they had put all of them on, they would have been standing in the aisle when the truck rolled. We praise God for his safety and are heartbroken for the Cadet’s family who lost their son. 

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It seems so senseless for a soon to be a young officer in the United States Army to lose his life during a training event, yet the Cadets train and put their lives at risk as they prepare to lead others to defend our country. The risk is just as real during training as it is on the field. So, where does trust come in? What if our son had been standing in the aisle as the truck rolled and lost his life along with others on his team? Could I trust that God was in control then? I pray I never have to face that situation, but I do have the assurance and hope that he has a personal relationship with Jesus. As believers we can trust that for those who have accepted Christ we will be reunited one day in glory with the Lord. 

A dear friend reminded my husband and I, that 2,000 years ago there was “no room” for us on the cross. In our place, Jesus took our sins and was crucified so that we could have eternal life with him in heaven. Because of his sacrifice, we can have life. He took our place so that we did not have to experience death, eternal separation from him. Have you trusted Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior? Your place was taken by the One who paid it all. He died and rose again and gave us victory over death. I am thankful that my son is safe not only physically, but spiritually. The greatest gift we can give our children is introducing them to the Lord. Knowing that they are safe in Him allows us to trust that whatever comes our way, God is in control. 

“For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.” – John 3:17 

Written by Jequita Lee, ICS Art and Dance