Utah School Choice Program and ICS: FAQ

Utah School Choice Program and ICS: FAQ

three students laugh together outside their lockers

Many of you have heard of the Utah school choice program making headway in our community, formally called Utah Education Fits All Scholarship (UEFA). If your family is interested in the program, we urge you to send ICS your information for the UEFA Scholarship for the 2024-25 school year TODAY. Please read the FAQ below to learn more.

What is the UEFA Scholarship?

Beginning in the 2024-2025 school year, the Utah Fits All Scholarship Program will provide up to $8,000 to Utah K-12 students through an education savings account (ESA). Scholarship accounts may be used for education expenses and services, including private school tuition and fees, tutoring services, testing fees, materials and curriculum costs, contracted services, and more. The entire program is outlined in Utah Code 53F-6-4.

Will ICS accept the UEFA Scholarship?

At ICS, this scholarship will be accepted and can be directly applied to your student’s school tuition. Our Head of School Gabe Pethtel, the ICS School Board, and ICS Administration support and endorse this program and recommend that current ICS parents as well as prospective ICS parents pre-apply for these scholarship funds.

How did the program come into being?

The Utah Fits All Scholarship Program came to be through HB215 during the 2023 General Legislative Session. The Utah legislature has provided $42.5 million in annual appropriations for the program.

Who is eligible?

To access the UEFA scholarship, students must be residents of the state of Utah and eligible to participate in public school in K-12th grade. While the applications will be prioritized and awarded based on income and previous participation, the program is universal for those who meet additional eligibility requirements, and all are welcome to apply. All eligibility requirements will be available upon applying.

Can my child receive the UEFA Scholarship if they are already receiving the Carson Smith or the Special Needs Opportunity Scholarships?

Students may not receive funds from the program while also receiving funding from either the Carson Smith Scholarship Program or the Special Needs Opportunity Scholarship Program. At ICS, parents should talk with our admissions director about which scholarship program would be best for the student.

How does funding work?

Eligible students can receive up to $8,000. The funds are deposited into a scholarship account, or ESA, which is set up specifically for the student. The funds are accessed and managed through an online portal.

How do parents/guardians sign up for the UEFA Scholarship?

For ICS, interested current and prospective parents need to complete ICS’ inquiry form here. After the form is complete, our admissions director will send you the UEFA pre-application and additional needed information. By pre-applying through ICS’ form, we can keep you up to date on needed information. ICS is also growing in enrollment, and there are a limited number of openings in many grade levels. We want to ensure that our current families who qualify for UEFA take advantage of the scholarship first, and then we will plan for the registration and acceptance of new families in an efficient manner. Finally, when the state’s UEFA scholarship application portal opens in March 2024, parents will need to officially apply through the state’s scholarship portal. If a student is approved for the UEFA scholarship, parents will need to notify ICS Admissions Director Jennifer Adema via email (admissions@intermountainchristian.org).

What if enrollment in the program exceeds the amount of funding available?

If enrollment exceeds available program funding, accounts shall be awarded in the following order: 

  1. Students who used an account in the previous school year 

  2. Students with a family income at or below 200% of the federal poverty level ($60,000 for a family of four in 2023–24)

  3. Students with a sibling who uses an ESA at the time of application or in the immediately preceding school year

  4. Students with a family income between 200% and 555% of the federal poverty level ($166,500 for a family of four in 2023– 2024)

Who can I talk to if I have questions?

If you have further questions, please contact ICS Admissions Director Jennifer Adema at 801-365-0349 or admissions@intermountainchristian.org.

UEFA Timeline:

  1. January 28, 2023: HB215 was signed into law 

  2. October 2023: For ICS, current parents are asked to pre-apply for the scholarship here.  

  3. November-March 2023: All prospective parents who are interested in enrolling their children in ICS are encouraged to pre-apply here

  4. December 2023: UEFA Program manager selected by the State 

  5. March 2024: UEFA Online Application Portal opens 

  6. ASAP: Parents notify school if they have received the UEFA scholarship for the 2024-2025 School Year (1st year of program)