My Scoliosis Journey

By Alia Leonard, ICS junior

My journey with scoliosis began my freshman year, when the sideways curve in my spine had progressed to 38°. I was referred to a spinal specialist at Primary Children’s Hospital and learned I needed to wear a custom-made, plastic, uncomfortable brace for 16 hours a day in an attempt to stop the curve progression as I grew (pictured right). After almost a year of bracing treatment, I was released from bracing as my curve had only progressed to 39 °.  My back developed chronic pain my sophomore year from my spine pulling at muscles and nerves, but I was happy to be done with bracing. In August of this year, however, I learned my back had gotten worse, against the odds. My curve was now 49°, past the degree of recommended surgery. I would need an extensive and very painful spinal fusion which would include two metal rods, 13 screws, and two hooks to fuse my spine. This would also come with a year-long recovery. My world turned upside down at this news, and I was terrified.

I would not have been able to face my surgery if it weren’t for my friends, peers, teachers, mentors, family, and God. The prayers and letters I received from those around me reminded me that even when I do not feel strong enough for trials, He is. Recovery has been the hardest thing I have ever had to do, but it taught me that I can get through anything I put my mind to. I am confident that God can turn anything for good. For example, my scoliosis journey has inspired me to raise awareness and become passionate about implementing scoliosis screenings in schools. Screenings are vital because early detection is key to avoiding what I had to go through. The earlier scoliosis is caught, the sooner bracing or other treatment can be utilized to increase the chances of avoiding surgery and progression. I am also passionate about spreading awareness online through my scoliosis Instagram account, while also being a mentor in a program to give advice to younger girls going through bracing or surgery. 

Alia confidently rocks her scar at ICS Homecoming dance.

Teachers willingly took extra time to help me stay caught up in school. Countless meals were provided for our family as I was in the hospital and recovering. Friends were always available to offer a prayer or a hug. ICS has supported me in more ways than I could have imagined. I have grown more than I dreamed possible, like learning how to love and be patient with my body, take action for what I care about, and to lean on and trust God. 

You can support Alia and see more of her journey by following her Instagram account: @scoliosis_brace_sister