October 2022 Students of the Month

October 2022 Students of the Month

Congratulations to Gabe Pierson (K), the October ICS Elementary Student of the Month!

Gabe is a wonderful student and friend. His sweet smile lights up every room he enters. He is always a good listener and is first to answer questions during our lessons. He loves his friends by playing nicely and taking turns. Gabe’s gentle spirit is a blessing to everyone he meets. He works hard and points others to do the right thing. We are so blessed to have Gabe in our kindergarten class this year!

Congratulations to CJ Barber (8th), the October ICS Middle School Student of the Month!

CJ has been exceptional in watching out for younger students and encouraging them in their learning. Whether it be helping them study or being a mature presence to help others focus, CJ has shined. Her actions of Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Gentleness and Love have promoted Peace in the classroom. Additionally, CJ's skills and great attitude appear on the court as she plays on the MS volleyball team!

Congratulations to Natalie Russell (12th), the October ICS High School Student of the Month!

Natalie continues to earn recognition for her steadfast work helping her peers! As a member of the worship team, she has volunteered her time to help new members feel comfortable. In bells, she partners with younger classmates to help develop their musical skills, and she selflessly jumps in whenever her teachers need a hand or even just encouragement. Natalie is a blessing to our high school!