November 2022 Employee Spotlight

November 2022 Employee Spotlight

Congratulations, Ms. Potter, ICS third grade teacher!

How long have you been at ICS and what do you do?

This is my 28th year at ICS. I teach third grade and have the privilege of leading the elementary team as Lead Teacher.

What brought you to ICS?

To say that God brought me to ICS may sound cliche, but it truly is the only answer I can give. One morning in late July I received a phone call from a former principal to fill a last-minute opening he had at a school that I didn't even know existed. I even filled out the application after I had already been hired. Only God can work out a situation like that! 

What is one thing that has happened at school recently that you'd like to share?

My class is highly energetic and competitive. Lately, I was able to see a softer side of many of them emerge as they cared for the needs of a hurting classmate. That transformation made my heart smile!

What is your Deep Hope for your students and/or our school this year?

My deep hope for myself and my students is that as image bearers of God we would reflect a portion of His glory as we learn, grow, and work together to discover our role in the world around us.