
October 2021 Employee Spotlight

Mrs. Frazee, 5th Grade Teacher


How long have you been at ICS and what do you do?
This is my 7th year at ICS. Although this is not my first time teaching 5th grade, it is my first year teaching 5th grade at ICS.

What brought you to ICS?
We wanted a Christ-centered learning environment for our children when we moved to SLC.

What is one thing that has happened at school recently that you'd like to share?
It's hard to choose just one, but recently I've loved the conversations that we've had as a class during Bible. It's been encouraging to hear the students discuss the things they've been learning in their own personal devotions as they walk with Jesus. It was also encouraging to see the way the class connected and worked together on the Outdoor Lab trip!

What is your hope for your students and/or our school this year?
My deep hope for myself, my students and our school is that we would intrinsically believe and confidently live out the truth that we are indeed who God says we are as image bearers and reflectors of God. I am confident that in doing so, this will impact how we live our lives.

October 2021 Students of the Month

Congratulations to Shyloh Parrish (5th), the October ICS Lower School Student of the Month!


Shyloh is always joyful and full of enthusiasm. She's always looking for ways to help her teacher and her classmates. She has a good attitude no matter what is happening around her. She's not afraid of making mistakes and trying again. It is evident that she loves Jesus, her family, and her classmates. It is such a joy to have Shyloh back at ICS!

Congratulations to Kyler Begg (11th), the October ICS Upper School Student of the Month!


In addition to cleaning up the lunchroom recently by himself, he was a huge help to Mr. Hulin and Mr. Behmer by setting up concessions for a volleyball game. He completed this task after working hard at baseball practice. His humble willingness to serve has been noticed by our faculty and staff! His example teaches others to serve simply to serve, not to be seen.