Meet Mrs. Parker, ICS new elementary librarian & teacher's aide!
I love that I can share my faith with the students as I teach them the skills they will need for life. As Colossians 1:16-17 states, "For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth...He is before all things, and in him all things hold together." Those verses shape my philosophy of teaching at ICS…
I kept an eye out for open English teacher positions at ICS upon first moving here in 2011, but I found out about the opening after I already had a teaching position with the homeschool Co-op in 2015. After the job was offered, we had to make a quick decision about a major change, but we felt God was leading us to ICS. We are so happy to be a part of the ICS community, and grateful for God's guidance during that time.
“ICS students fulfilled all the roles to operate a Chick-Fil-A, First Security Bank, Merit Medical, and KSL News station, and declared the experience “the best school day ever!’”
“He kept writing, practicing, and competing. By the end of his sophomore year, that stutter had disappeared and, in his senior year, he was a respected and confident contributor in classes. This young man morphed from a quiet and shy freshman with a stuttering problem to a confident young man currently attending college.”